On the Border of a "To-Do" Hoarder

It's official, I'm calling mercy on myself. As a waiter would say, "I'm in the weeds". Two and a half years ago we bought our house and since then my collection of to-do's and creative projects has become long enough to give the length of War and Peace a run for it's money. I consider myself pretty creative, competent in all things technology and an inspiring DIY'er. For those of you who share these traits you know that it's a disease that progresses until you write self gratifying articles such as these. 

Outsiders looking in may suggest "just make a list and start doing every thing you want to do".  What?!? Who are these people that suggest such things and why are we friends I ask?  It's not that easy my homie. For instance let's say you simply need to get something framed.  Sounds simple enough, right?  Nope. As a DIY'er there is NO WAY I am going to bring it to a professional framer.  Doing that would be accepting defeat and admitting that I am not as good as a DIY'er as I claim to be.  So I get my butt in the car and I go to a craft store that has a large framing department. As soon as my first foot steps over the entrance is where is begins to go down hill, FAST. The colors, the plethora of options and the isle's of overwhelming sense of all things artistic make my head spin into a inspiration-trip. An hour later I find myself at the register with a jar of lime green Folk Art paint and a box of plastic chandelier crystals, NO frame. Turns out my brain chatter took over and decided to use a frame I had at home, but it needed to be a different color so I needed to buy paint in the color it had to be and since I was hanging it under a light in the hallway that I found boring that light needed chandelier crystals hanging from it.  One idea always turns in to two or three ideas as soon as you make a move to try to take on the first idea. It's a festering disease that cannot be stopped.

As I am sure you have guessed, the lime green paint and the chandelier crystals are still laying around and haven't been touched. They wound up on the pile of to-do's which includes, staining our entrance stairs, painting the front door, painting the man-cave, doing something with the hundreds of wine bottle corks, doing a blog-post on cool service I found, buying our son new water shoes, adding more to my blog in general and writing thank you's for all my 40th Birthday gifts. So the plan is prioritize and do the most important thing first, thank you cards. Then I am swearing off purchasing anything else for any additional project ideas that may swing my way. Hopefully in 6 months this post will be behind many posts about my items on my to-do list. Stay tuned...


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