Concert Ticket Display

I've heard men complain that women live in the past, and yes we do.    However, men are kind of the same but in a more ridiculous-I miss High school-love all things Star Wars-Goofy-save every memento of fun-Nerdy kind of way.  If it were my husband and he had his way, I would let him speak to me like Yoda 24/7, put queen size Storm Trooper Sheets on our bed and let him display his beer glass collection from when he lived in Europe with the thousands of pennies in them.   

After deciding to merge and get an apartment together 4 years ago, I began to realize all the little things that he was holding on to.  Most of them are the same things that every dude has.  His were collections of small things that he felt needed to be displayed at all times.  A bundle of concert tickets, stack of season ski passes, a scary 3 inch tall voo-doo doll, a creepy Rastafarian ski sculpture, tee-shirts from high school, a plastic mug he still uses from freshman year in college and a few other odd things that he would hate for me to mention probably.

He's a pretty nostalgic man and I couldn't think of ever throwing some of these things out on him slowly over the years like most wives do(did I just give away a secret here?).  So I put a different plan in place, I decided to make them art.  I purchased 4 clear document frames from Crate & Barrel (you can actually get these anywhere they sell frames, Michael's, or JoAnne's) and arranged all the tickets between the glass.

My hubby is much more proud of them now instead of when they were stacked with a binder clip for many years.  Now when people come over they stand in the corner where they hang, just observing and asking him questions about them.  "You saw The Who in London?" followed by a gleaming smile from him before he answers with a cool "yes" as if didn't we all see them in London?  Together we have started a frame from all the concerts him and I have gone to and we plan to keep this going forever.

Now what is my plan for that god awful Voo-Doo doll?  Perhaps I can use it on my husband to rid himself of all the other collectibles?

1 comment:

  1. Great story and this also answers my question of how display my gig tickets. Good luck with the doll!
